Espinoza Therapy PLLC
Therapy for your relationship and sex life
LGBTQIA+ Therapy

At Espinoza Therapy, we intentionally hold space for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Here, we recognize the true diversity of the LGBTQIA+ experience, as well as the intersection between BIPOC identities, queer identities and other kinds of lived experience. All are welcome here, including people who are queer, bisexual, pansexual, multisexual, trans, nonbinary, agender, gender fluid, intersex, asexual, gay, lesbian and those who prefer no label at all. We also understand that identity is nuanced, and that LGBTQIA+ experiences are all unique. After all, there are many letters in the acronym. In therapy, we will make room for all these experiences.
Historically, couples therapy has been tailored to married, heterosexual, cisgender, monogamous couples. We recognize that many relationships do not fall into this narrow category. We aim to provide therapy that is inclusive, holistic, sex positive and affirming of all relationships. We also welcome people in mixed orientation relationships, where partners are different orientations (for example, one partner is heterosexual and the other partner is queer, bisexual, or asexual) and mixed gender relationships (for example, one partner is cisgender and the other partner is nonbinary or trans).